Theme 1

Evolution of consciousness

Theme 5

Learning to educate for happiness

Theme 9

Learning to transcend our fears

Theme 2

The laws of Universe and Life

Theme 6

Learning to manage thought

Theme 10

Learning to value ourselves

Theme 3

Acceptance for a life without suffering

Theme 7

Learning to respect without judging

Theme 11

Abundance and unconditionality

Theme 4

to love

Theme 8

Learning to be peaceful

Theme 12

Success in professional life


In order to agree on the language used in this compendium of Gerardo Schmedling’s themes, some terms are defined according to their meaning in this material. These terms have been misinterpreted throughout history, and are included in this glossary to avoid conflicts in relationships and ensure mental clarity. The definitions given here are not the ones that tend to appear in dictionaries.

pdf Download the Glossary of Terms